A surrendered Intellect! | Samarpan Bhaav

A surrendered Intellect! | Samarpan Bhaav 

Baba says in the Murli many times to us children that:

“You had promised in Bhakti, that when you (God) will come, I will surrender myself to you. God, Baba has come to remind you of that promise”

Why does Baba wish to remind us about the promise?

When I say surrender to Him, it means I say that everything I have; my body, mind, wealth, relations, problems, issues all belongs to Him, and He belongs to me…. This samarpan bhaav is actually the essence, the secret of constant fast Purusharth!

Here is how:


1. When the body is mine, I can use it in unhealthy ways, e.g., For my pleasure, I could eat more fried food, ice cream, etc without caring for the body
When the body is Baba’s, I am a trustee, can’t use this body in unhealthy ways, because body is His, to be used in His Ishwariya Seva

2. When I consider the body His in a genuine deep way; the attachment to the body, the feeling of mine starts reducing. This is a very subtle point, which makes it much easier to experience soul consciousness. And soul consciousness is the basis of a Yogyukt life, the basis of all divine virtues, the basis for success in seva. Hence, this feeling that this body is Baba’s makes everything easy.


1. When my mind is Baba’s, I will fully follow Baba’s Shrimat and not manmat or parmat.
This will ensure:
a. No doubts on effectiveness or practicality of Shrimat
b. No excuses regarding Purusharth

 2. Slowly, my opinion too will start becoming aligned with Shrimat e.g., Before, on hearing about need to come daily to class, it seemed difficult; now due to personal experiences & transformation even our mind says come daily to class. 


When the wealth is Baba’s:
1. Will never use it in wrong ways
2. Will not earn wealth by giving pain to others, or disturbing anyone
3. Will ensure no dishonesty related to wealth e.g., Tax matters


Just need to check, whether the friends & relatives are mine or are they Baba’s children? Whose are they more? All are Baba’s, they belong to Him..

The more I remind this to myself, the more worriless and detached I become. This makes me more capable to fulfill responsibilities & take care, to keep giving, leading to harmony in relationships.


1. When I deeply remember that Baba is the doer, I am just the instrument, it frees from any burden, worries, etc related to seva. This lightness increases efficiency, leading to success in seva. 

2. When I remember Baba is the doer, it becomes easier to receive His touchings, making seva successful.


When we do work as a trustee, keeping Baba alongside; we remain light, free from hard work, burden & tiredness..

As Baba says, when we keep Baba alongside rather than being alone, it’s like two people doing one work, which halves the efforts. This actually refers to the fact that sthiti becomes very good with Baba alongside; enhancing our capacity, efficiency, intuition & hence reducing the efforts required.

Conclusion (A surrendered Intellect!)

Thus, in essence, when we convert Mine to Yours, we become free of worries, Befikra Baadshah, this gives a big boost to our progress.

Hence, Baba is reminding us of the promise. Baba is the Giver, He doesn’t want anything from anyone. He’s just reminding because this Dharna will make everything easy, and Purusharth speedy!

Om Shanti!

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