Understanding the subject of Gyan
Our spiritual study can be divided into 4 subjects:
- Spiritual knowledge (Gyan)
- Meditation (Yog)
- Inculcation of divine virtues (Dharna)
- Service (Seva)
Hence today, let’s explore the 1st subject Gyan!
What is Gyan?
Gyan means understanding of the truth, which can be summarized as… The knowledge of:
- A = Atma i.e., soul
- B = Baba i.e., our Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul
- C = Cycle of Time
- D = Drama
A = Atma i.e., soul
The knowledge of the soul can be summarized, in essence, as:
- The energy which uses the body, Master of this body
- A tiny point of light, situated in the centre of the forehead
- The energy which thinks, decides, & comes into action through the body
- Originally full of knowledge, purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss & power
- Originally a resident of soul world, having come down to play it’s imperishable part in this world drama
- Can be best understood with the example of Car & Driver, denoting Body & Soul respectively!
B = Baba i.e., our Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul
The knowledge of the Supreme Soul, can be summarized as:
- A tiny point of light
- Resident of soul world
- Ocean of All Virtues (Knowledge, Purity, Peace, Love, Happiness, Bliss) & Powers
- Comes at the end of Kaliyuga in the old body of Prajapita Brahma, transforms humans to deities (& thereby Kaliyuga to Satyuga) by sharing spiritual knowledge & teaching Rajyoga Meditation
- This small phase of time (of God’s descent) between end of Kaliyuga & start of Satyuga, is called the Kalyankari Purushottam Sangam-yug
- Name is Shiv (means point, peace & benefactor)… Not to be confused with Shankar, who’s always shown as a different entity meditating on the Shiv Ling!
C = Cycle
The world time cycle consists of 4 (or 5) phases.. Satyuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyug, Kaliyuga (& this small Sangamyug) :
- In Satyuga,
- Souls are 100% charged, body is perfectly healthy, mind always happy, wealth limitless, relations sweet, nature perfect & happiness-giving
- There’s one religion language & kingdom, ruled by Lakshmi Narayana as emperor & empress
- In Tretayuga,
- There’s a very slight decline.. In other words, souls are now 14 celestial degrees complete (as compared to Satyuga when souls are 16 celestial degrees complete)
- In Dwaparyug,
- Souls start falling into body-consciousness, hence vices (lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego), hence sorrow
- And when souls experience sorrow, they remember their Supreme Father.. Hence, we start remembering God, build temples, etc
- Our holy fathers (Abraham, Gautam Buddha, Mahavir, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Shankaracharya, etc) come & give the message of humanity.. Later takes the form of different religions / paths
- Saints at this time write down all the scriptures (Ramayan, Mahabharat, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, etc)
- In Kaliyuga,
- Souls go deeper into body-consciousness, vices & sorrow
- Religion & governments become weak.. Soul’s battery becomes almost negligible
- Science becomes very powerful.. Souls become almost completely dependent on matter
- In Sangamyug,
- As promised, God comes & starts sharing His spiritual knowledge, establishing this Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
- Through spiritual efforts, innumerable souls get transformed from humans to deities
- In the end, destruction (i.e., transformation) of the old world through nuclear missiles, natural calamities & civil wars
- Establishment of the New Golden Aged World
D = Drama
- This cycle of time keeps repeating infinitely… i.e., Satyuga becomes Kaliyuga, then Sangamyug, then again Satyuga & so on!
- Every moment & scene of the world drama repeats ‘as it is’… And every scene is accurate & beneficial
- Every soul’s role in this world drama is fixed, which keeps repeating
Excelling in the subject of Gyan
The best practices for excelling in the subject of Gyan are… A daily practice of:
- Listening to spiritual knowledge (i.e., the Murli class, God’s direct elevated versions) with attention
- Revising & Churning on the spiritual knowledge heard (vichar sagar manthan)
- Implementing the knowledge, in meditation (Yog) & in practical life (Dharna)
Later, we’ll explore the subjects of Yog, Dharna & Seva in depth!
Om Shanti!
I am peaceful soul. Glad to find God